LALawBooks Apps Now Available as PWAs. No More App Stores!

Starting in November 2020, our LALawBook apps will no longer be updated in the iOS Apple Store or on Google Play. We are providing all future updates through easily downloadable PWAs (Progressive Web Applications). This will allow us to make better and more frequent updates to the apps and save us a lot of money, time, effort.

The app store process has been a sore source of frustration for us over the years. In order to deliver our open-source, free applications, we must pay developer membership fees and go through an arduous process to convert our HTML/JS apps into Apple/Google approved formats. Indeed, app stores have been an increasing source of frustration for all developers in recent years. With PWAs, we can make our apps instantly available to our users with a minimum of friction.

What changes for you, the user? Very little. Once you install the PWA version of the app, it will appear on your home screen just like any other app. The app will be fast, regularly updated and, yes, it will still work when you don’t have an internet connection. So, how do you get started? Visit our PWA download page to install on your phone or computer.

Here’s to software freedom!